"Everybody knows it sucks to grow up" - ben folds

I went to see Ben Folds in concert tonight at Radio City music hall.
Still Fighting It is one of my favorite songs of his,
along with the obligatory Brick. He played both of those tonight along with a lot from his new album. I'm not used to being seated at a concert; I feel like that should be reserved for symphony concerts. Perhaps it was the summers of lawn dancing at Merriweather or being at the front of the crowd at Harpers Ferry (or basically being the crowd at the Choppin' Block). But live music is better when you can shake your tail feathers to it!
The opening band was The Fray. I had only heard one of their songs prior to this evening, but they seemed good. Although to be honest, if you played Coldplay, Five for Fighting and The Fray, I dont think I would be able to differentiate.
What amazed me was the breadth of ages represented tonight. There was a couple in their late 70s (at least) 2 rows ahead of us and several 7 year olds. This is surprising not only because the concert ended past bedtime but because of Ben Fold's affinity for the word "fuck."
So as I watched the virtually seizure-producing light show that accompanied both bands and listened to the rather melancoly tunes I thought about how it does suck to grow up. Not that it is now beneath our dignity to climb a tree, but that in the process of finding a different branch from which to swing our legs we get further and further from each other. But as I glanced at MB air piano playing I realized that we arent leading our lives away from each other; perhaps we are just on various sine wave paths, that will intersect again someday, and that doesnt suck.
how many metaphors can you pack into one post? i don't know the answer but thinking about it just blew my mind.
really? and i thought it was lame . . .
"you took a trip, climbed a tree...you were not the same after that..." ben was just as amazing as I remembered from the Avalon at Pride week, and the BSO, if it's possible, made the songs even more chilling and powerful. You would have loved it! I thought the same thing; weird to be sitting, weird to be in a BEAUTIFUL symphony hall and weird to be seeing him with everyone from teeny boppers in sequins to my grandma's peers. He split the room and we "ba da ba'ed" and "ahhhhhhhahhhhHHHH'ed" just as I remembered. Awesome. Mike thought "rockin the suburbs" with violins and brass would have rocked the suburbs of DC, but he didn't play it.
the best ones:
The Luckiest
Zak and Sara-surprising
and of course Brick
I miss "being the crowd" at the choppin' block, too. Keep me posted on the debut of Suzanne! love your blog, by the way.
"go ahead you can laugh all you want..."
Hale, did you know people who search b.folds lyrics also search hillary duff lyrics? i feel so lame.
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