popcorn and Puffs

As you may know, my pre-new year's resolution is to go out more on the weekends. What you may not know is that 1. i've been kind of illin' and 2. do not have a huge gang of people to meet up with. So I decided to treat myself to dinner and a movie. And by dinner I mean popcorn and Mug rootbeer. (May not be in Zagat's but its tasty). I walked up to Cinema village after work to check out The Family Stone. I was impressed with the design of the theater; it was a 3 tier-ed theater with great molding and "stuff" on the ceiling (that's an architectural term for those not in the know). The theater kind of reminded me of the Coolidge in Brookline, but with a little bit more leg/butt room.
The movie was as good as I hoped (even if a lot of the funny scenes are in the comercials). But probably not the best film to pick if you're missing your mom around the holiday season. I cried like a girl. Ok, I am a girl, so I just cried. But why let the tears end as the credits come and lights turn up? Just spin your ipod to "feel like crying" playlist and let it roll. RW can attest to my bizarre affinity for listening to gut-wrenching tunes on repeat. I was all the way to the slope when the Boyz to Men, A Song for Mama, came on. That one really ups the velocity of tear flow. But I'd like to think that my mom is still around or aware of how we are doing. In fact today at work, when a co-worker commented that I wore a lot of beige*, I knew my mom heard that and laughed. The thing is though, I dont remember what her laugh sounded like. And that is what makes me saddest of all.
*my mom's signature color
saw family stone yesterday...also cried like a baby...through the credits, and on the car ride home, and even through when my roomate was making fun of me for crying
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