Her eyes were watching God

Not to plug another book, but Lamb, by Christopher Moore was rather amusing. It is the tale of Jesus's younger years through the eyes of Biff, his childhood buddy*. There are a lot of references to various stories about Jesus and the disciples . . . John the baptist eatting only locusts and honey (the original fear factor?), for example.
In any case, it got me thinking about my Bible "education," AKA CCD. For all you not in the know about CCD, this is something for which childred are wisked from their Saturday morning cartoons, inorder to get to know God and prayers a little better. I think I'm not the only one who prayed to God to have CCD switched to Tuesday nights.
But, as with many things in my life, I dont really remember a lot of details of the stories in the Bible. So after reading Lamb, I decided that any good lapsed-Catholic gal worth her weight in guilt ought to actually read the Bible.
Only into chapter 1 and I'm confused. Genesis: 1:28 "Then God said" Let us make human beings in our image, to be like ourselves . . ." What? who is this US? all this time I thought the Judeo-Christian part of the world thought about only one God, so who is he talking to? The angles? The devil? the other aliens who are a part of creationism? Any insight would be appreciated.
*While this book is officially catorgized as "horror" at booksfree, I think historical/religious fiction is best
you are right Lamb is definitely not horror. I would rather categorize it as religious.
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