boardwalk tour
I had recently heard of JK and A's cheeseburger tour of the city and thought what a swell idea! Sadly, dating a vegetarian prevents our own adventure in grilled beef in various villages, but we do seem to be on a tour of Boardwalks, complete with sand, ice cream*, and ferris wheels (did you know that the Ferris wheel is named after a its inventor George Ferris, Jr, who designed the first one at the Chicago Fair in 1893 . . . this is just one of the many fun facts found in the book Devil in the White City).Since we've been to CI and AC, we are running low on places with wood on sand to visit. . . If you know of any areas within a day-trip of NYC with boardwalks, please let me know!

*or, if you are leaving your milkshake in the hands of scoop shop newbie, as TS, you get an ice milk slush :(
I would check before heading out, because I know it was in danger of closing a few years back, but at one time Wildwood, NJ had a decent boardwalk.
If you want a really great thick shake stop at Andy's in Greensboro on the way to the beach. Ask for Jonathan and tell him you are Budge's sister. He will make you the thickest shake this side of Alaska.
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