Confidential: not for circulation

As I was riding the F into work today I happened to glance at the reading material of the man seated in front of me. For those of you not familar with the basic NY train seating arrangment, the seats are kind of like back to back L seats, so the person "in front" of you is actually seated such that you see their profile. Anyway, the top of the page the gentleman was reading was:
Northern Uganda Securtiy Council

Now I will be honest, I had to google what was going on in Northern Uganda (umm, as well as where exactly it is . . . in between Kenya and DR Congo, south of Sudan). Sadly roughly 1000 people have died each week from rebel attacks, as well as many other horrors.
But my inital shock was not that security was needed somewhere in the world that I didnt know about, but that someone thought public transportation a wise place for confidential reading. But the more I think about it, the more I am glad he did. I've never been big on current events. Sure, headlines, the occational Metro, or perhaps "real" paper from time to time, but those that have shared a paper with me know to hand over the comics section first (thank you CC). But I think today is a bit of a wake up call. I am now officially subscribed to the NYtimes. And since there are no comics, I will try my hardest to read the news section fully. Perhaps I will uncover what the Northern Uganda Security Council does, and if it has plans to prevent further eatting of elephants by LRA rebels.
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