solita? chinatown?

I was walking around yesturday and noticed the "Solita" hotel on Grand. Umm, isnt Southern Little Italy considered Chinatown? I guess Solita is on the southern side of Grand, north of Canal? in that case, I suppose I work in solita (and yet little italy is west of my office?)*
At work I am allowed to walk ~a 12 minute radius from the office (so in case I'm needed, the patient does not wait too long). So I've ventured through Chinatown, Little Italy, Nolita, Soho, LES, the upperpart of downtown and, I suppose, Solita. If I extend to a 1/2 hour walk, I can be in Tribecca, the financial districet, East village, West Village, or Union Square. So how is that I can spend an entire afternoon and never leave the UWS? Are there smaller sub-cities in this neighborhood that I just dont know about? Or is the entire area from 60s on up west of the park called the Upper West Side because AmCo80s would just be a ridiculous name?
*Yes, I realize I am a bit obsessed with the naming of neighborhoods. I blame AH. As soon as she told me her friend who lived here for a while didnt know why Soho was called Soho, I thought neighborhood naming could be my "in" to the city.
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