lazy sunday

No, neither Narnia nor Magnolia's were involved, but I feel like this was a quality NY Sunday. Start off with brunch at Belleview with JS and onto some funky finds at Beacon's closet. Then we continued on to look at real estate. Am I planning on moving anytime soon? No, but JS is, so we took this opportunity to tour some prime slope-side homes. Fan-C. I believe it was JK who pointed out that NYers love to look at real estate and are always thinking of where to move next . . . *
Later I went for a turn around the park; it smells fantastic there since old Christmas trees were recycled to mulch . . .
After a breif siesta, I headed to the east village to check out The Cherry Orchard. I went by myself, but before the doors opened, ran into JK (of Fresh meat fame). I love that in a city of 8 million people I can run into one of the 12 people I know here. Anyway, the play was a fantastic. The acting was superb and let me just say if I knew that Russian literature could be so racy, 12th grade's AP lit class would have gone a lot faster.
And finally, here I am abloggin' to "These are the Days", ain't life grand?
*If I recall correctly, he said this in a poo-poo manor, but I think, like my mom's late night catalogue browsing obsession, its a form of fantasy, of how life could or just-might be.
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