the mixed tape

I agree with Rob Gordon about the design of a quality mixed tape, start with something intriguing, lure the audience in, "You
gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules"
They can take forever to make (well, the tapes did at least). You have to plan it out: interweave oldies but goodies with new tunes to expand one's collection. Something to remind you to the recipient, and perhaps a quirky cover by an unexpected artist. For the first 15 years of my mix-tape making experiences I had to include a song by either Madonna, DMB, or Bob Marley and have only receintly switched this over to new bands (Augustana, The Fray, or Kayne West)
I have been blessed with a few good mixed tapes (ok, CDs) over the years. AH, whose taste in music is mine, with a rock-a-billy shirt on, has been instramental in building my itunes. But last night I was presented with my first mixed CD by a boy (well, one that wasnt a brother) and well . . . it totally melted my heart . . .
* point of interest there were once warning stickers on records and cassettes, stating: HOME TAPING IS KILLING MUSIC! article from NPR
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