So long soother and smoother

Today I finished a bottle of lotion.
This may not sound like a feat, but 'tis indeed.
I have had this bottle of lotion* for years. I took this lovely sea-green bottle home from the Watertown Target to began its journey on Cambridge St in Allston. It went cross country to Denver with me, shaked up with the roaches and psychos in Montrose, returned to Boston, where it became a promenant feature to the Southie health clinic lounge, retired to Brookline where it was temorarily put aside for snazier "bronzing" lotion, but has been living its own golden years on a prominent bureau in the slope the past few months. Dear lotion, as I place you in your final resting place of the recycle bin and cover you with a layer of yogurt cartons I will think of how many "tough" times you smoothed over for me. adieu!
*ok, not the one in the image but the target brand version of it . . the best investment of $0.66 I've ever made
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