Best places to live?

I just noticed on yahoo the top ten best places to live in the country, (check it out) , and low and behold, what is number 4? none other than my home town, Columbia, MD! Wow. And just yesturday it seemed like every other suburb. But, I am still living in a top ten city*. NY, NY was named number 10 in the big city list. However, I must question the actuality of how they figured this, seeing as they list NY's median home prices as $375,000, and this will buy you a studio on the upper east side or a one bedroom in Bayridge , but not a "family" home in most of the 5 boroughs.
*and apparently, was living in another top ten, Brookline, MA is #3 most educated city in the country!**
**other past residences on lists: Santa Cruz is #10 on cleanest air list. Boston is #8 on top singles cities . . .yes, this does explain a lot . . . although G-vegas is number 18 on this list, and was no hinderence to BK
Thats so funny that you put that, because just yesterday I was talking with a client, and we started discussing how I was just up in MD, and she asked what part, and that led to a 30 minute conversation about how much she LOEVED Columbia MD, and how it was close to everything, and clean, and great schools etc. Columbia has a small, but very passionate fan club!
Also under big cities it made me laugh out loud that Raleigh was #4. I guess I just never thought of it as BIG!
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