the end of the world (as I know it)

Last night I went to the end of the world, and it turns out, beer is very cheap there.
TS met me in Sunset Park and we cruised along 5th Ave down to Bay Ridge, where we stumbled upon exotic parts of Brooklyn that contain such wonders as the lawn art, and patio furniture. After a burger-rific dinner in one of the many Irish pubs in the area, we strolled along Shore Road, discovering that Brooklyn extends past 100 st, all the way to 102nd, before abruptly dropping off into water. Walking to the train station, we remarked how the evening had cooled down with the breeze off the bay* . . . later, as we sweat and panted while waiting for the F at 4th and 9th, we reminised how unexpectanly deliteful the end of the world really was.
***unknowningly TS and I wrote about the same thing, read his too and see if you can figure out who is the pro :)
*officially, the Lower New York Bay, hmm, how creative
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