adventures in boating
Two weeks ago, when TS and I were at the beach, we tried many times to go for a boat ride. The alluminum row boat was too big for us to maneveur, the sailboat's oar lock was broken*, the canoe rental place was booked . . . so we bought a boat. Check out this kickin water craft.

It was a little cozy for 2, but turned on a dime when we just had one in it. While it handled the canal and even the inland water way excellently, when we took it to the beach for faux-white water rafting, we ended up with bumped noggins and skinned knees.
Last week we went up north to go kayaking** in
Cortlandt, NY. It was relatively quiet (although we did hear the occational Mack truck on route 9) and we got to see some cool birds like egrets and a huge blue heron. Since we arent certified paddlers, we had to stay in minibay area . . . which was great because I am sure the Hudson would have taken us away.
*and neither of us are strong enough sailors to sail without a back up way of getting home
**totally not us in the photo, we got a tandem sea kayak that I got to steer using my toes, while paddeling
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