New Hair cut
It seems once a year I go in for a new hair cut, and usually I get the "Rachel.*" You know what I mean . . . layers that curl under and then the most bottom layer curling out . . . I have even explained this phenomenon to the stylist before the scissors come out, saying I DO NOT want the "rachel." This usually proceeds with the styler completely ignoring me and I see the big round brush come out, pulling my hair straight, and around the brush, drying, then leaving my hair with a soft bounce. . . perhaps I just have the face for the rachel.**
Well a few days ago I sauntered over to Salon de Top's*** on Elizabeth street and got a whole new do! I do quite like the cut, and it wasnt styled as "Rachel", but a little bit like . . . well, Tipper Gore. I'm not sure if I should consider it an improvement, but it is a bit sleeker, and, umm, a bit, more "mature."

*In 1997 I thought this was rad. not so much the last 3-4 years.
** Last summer, George in Iowa City, IA did give me a fabulous, very non-Rachel haircut (more the curly version of Gwenyth's hair in Sliding Doors). Sadly, this look required 3 different hair products, and far longer than lulu gives her hair.
***I must say, haircut aside, this salon has the best hairwashers ever . . . I think it was at least a 15 minute scalp massage with the washing . . . very relaxing.
That is funny. I saw the pictue and immediately thought " gee Lulu looks like Rachel Ray.
I think your talking about Rachel from Friends so it is still a very nice new look. You look great!
nice locks, lu.
your hair got long tipper...err...lauren...
no but really. like the new do.
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