I vant to suck your blood
Last night we went to hear Phillip Glass and the Brooklyn orchestra perform music to the film Dracula. I say "hear" because we didnt get a seat infront of the screen, but rather, opted for some tables on the side where we munched on a lovely picnic, after some very tastyFaujitos. The opening band, a slavic rock jazz band (?) had some interesting music, not something you would play for a dinner party, but kinda cool for outdoors.
Sadly after only about 20 minutes there was some MAJOR lightening going on. At first I wasnt sure if it was heat lightening and just the movie, because at that moment there was thunder in the soundtrack of the movie. But then a very bright flash, with acompaning crack and TS and I ended up making a dash for home, runing for only the last block in the rain.
Let me COUNT the lightning strikes!
Von, two, free --
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