too slow for the fast lane, too fast for the slow lane

I went for a swim at the Y today. Now, its a small pool, only 3 lanes. Slow, Medium, Fast. Since the slow lane was occupied by people standing, I turned my attention to the other lanes. The "medium" lane seemed to be going about kickboard speed for me, so I hopped in the fast lane. I'm not an awesome swimmer, but if there is one sport that I am at least decent, it is swimming. First couple of laps I'm keeping pace with the 2 guys in the lane. But then they must have hit their stride because all of a sudden I have to let them pass every 4 laps or so. Do I just hop over to the slower lane? no. I go for another 4 laps at top speed (and even manage to pass one of the guys myself) before I start to poop out. Hmm, I am about duck under the lap lane to join the slower paced, when I realize one of the "swimmers" seems to be more of a "drifter", kind of swimming a la GWK. So now my swimming speed has matched my social life, too slow for the fast lane and too fast for the slow lane.
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