old hose / new T

In my office the other day, I glanced down at my tights and thought, "my, I've had these awhile (and still cute, if I do say so myself)." Then I really thought about it (hey, I had 3 patients the whole day, plenty of time for pondering hoisery). I have had these for 14 years.
In other words, more than half my life.
And I wonder why my wardrobe is in such a sad state.
But, never fear! I am in the midst of aquiring some new duds (and clothes) via soho and self-help. That's right, just tonight I made an Anthropologie pants purchase and went to a t-shirt making party. I got about 1/3 of a shirt done (this silk screen buisness is for the birds, I'm going to go back to iron-on). At this rate, in a couple of weeks, watch out! I will have created an ensemble that is not only slope-side-chic, but one that isn't old enough to attend the high school reunion.
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