Saturday, February 04, 2006

boring is as boring does

Apparently there are levels of boredom and things one will do to occupy their mind, when absolutely necessary. Reading, Sudoku, crafting, listening (heck, even quiet dancing) to itunes in my office and even trying to learn Cantonese by eavesdropping, to name a few. But today, my 6th day of work in a row, I needed something new. I looked around me and realized I really have never seen under my fingernails with a 10 -25X microscope. This lead to looking at basically everything in the office not nailed down in true "hi-definition." Let me just say, LD, AM, or all clean-freaks out there, don't do this. ever. Everything is gross. i actually tried to clean my pen with rubbing alcohol to see if I could get it less grody, but the miniscule cracks still held grime despite a good scrub.
Eventually I went back to my book. But after a very extensive hand washing.


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