White out
Have you experienced a white out? (and I dont mean the Bic version)
It is a weather term used when the snow flakes are gusting around so much that all you see is white.
For some reason I had thought it meant if you were on the road and the car ahead of you lost some of the snow off its roof, hitting your windshield. I was wrong. The true white out is kinda surreal. You just see nothing.
Anyway, while in Maine, AH, LD and I braved the white out elements to go outlet shopping in Freeport. It wasnt so much the snow that was the problem, but the wind. As we scurried around the town, we tried to find some stores that were open (with super deals too, of course).
The next day I noticed I had rather pink cheeks . . . adventuresome gals that we are, we managed to get windburn. through shopping.
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