What's a gal to do?

Yesturday was my only free Sunday for the next 5 weeks and I was looking forward to doing nothing. Well, by doing nothing, I mean cleaning my room. But then I checked my messages and had been asked out to brunch by JS. And moments later asked to join LA for brunch! 2 brunches in one day? could that be possible? What to do?
Hmm, it turns out one was brunch at 11, one was brunch at 2, so obviously, YES, 2 brunches in one day!
Oddly, on LA's roof while we were all enjoying the spread, the sun, and our second round of Mimosas, we heard a "BA-BOOM!" and turned to see black smoke billowing from somewhere around the Manahattan bridge. Fellow brunchers included a handful of Times Reporters, so immediately everyone was blackberrying their way to figure out what happened . . . a propane tank exploded at the fire station. 15 min later we could only see wisps of white smoke/steam, and returned to the strata at hand.
Later that evening after a walk round Prospect Park, before heading to bookclub*, I remembered my original goal of the day of cleaning my room and managed to unpack from Charlotte before running to catch the F . . . so much for my spring cleaning . . . maybe I'll make summer cleaning . . .
*which really turned into nightime bruch - wine, guac and cookies. . . the true food groups
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