The chicken dance
This past weekend, TS and I went down to MD to go to my cousin's wedding, I had taken this opportunity to visit many friends in the area and it was a jam-packed weekend to say the least. I had given us 90 min to get from DC to Waldorf MD for the wedding at 4pm (this is about 45 miles). I should have known that if one traverses the beltway, allow 3X the imagined amount of time. After thinking I was going in the wrong direction, I turned around, only to find, I had indeed been going in the right direction, then there was a car on fire on the beltway. Luckily I pulled to the first exit after I saw the black cloud of smoke ahead. I had been in touch with BK (who was driving our Grandma and her friend MG) who said that he was just passing the fire and while it slowed a bit, traffic was moving fine. So I U-turned to get on the beltway to find cars reversing back the onramp because up ahead literally no cars were moving. Hmm, finding an alternate route on the map I was able to follow the remaining portions of our directions, untill the last bit. We were on a windy road in a forest for miles. I didnt see the church anywhere, so I turned around to make sure I had taken the correct road. Let me just say at this point it is after 4 o'clock, but weddings never start on time, right? Back at the road, sure enough I was on the correct road, so back for more car commercial style driving and sure enough not one mile past where I had turned around, was the little Piney Church. And look, there were people standing outside, in the parking lot! Had the service still not started! It was almost 4:30 at that point. . . wait, people were mingling about, going to their cars and retrieving presents . . . then I realized . . . we missed the wedding.:(
But the reception was great, and the bride accepted my apology with a laugh. Highlights include the chicken dance*, the electric slide**, and at the very end, a sudden display of his inner 80s child with the worm and backspin moves by TS.

All and all it was lovely and good to see so much family and celebrate with SB and JB as well as the ever cute LB.

*which is apparently a family must at weddings . . . who knew the K's were such free spirits
** you know how at most weddings you kind of take the lead from one person who really knows what they are doing/the beat? tragically for all involved, I was that person for this wedding.
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