Wine-y cake and water-y tables

So I've been meaning to post this forever . . . well, since the wine and cheese at JP's. Inspired by AP's beer cupcakes, and the wine and cheese theme, I baked up some Burgundy Cupcakes. While not totally incredible, they had an interesting taste . . . the cinnamon seemed to overwhelm the wine flavor, but everyone who had one seemed to like them.
But the cupcakes were not the only "hot" item at the party . . . there was a fire. no, not a fireplace kind of fire, a fire, that one smells something burning . . . not unlike toast . . . "is someone making toast?" then a glance at the coffee table, a flame . . . not like the candle flame that was there before, but a bigger flame, like the size of a deck of cards
. . and I said "umm, fire."
nothing happened. it was still there. everyone's attention was on Nicole Kidman's ridiculous dress.
a glance from another party goer.
"ohh, really, fire!"
I stepped closer, trying to blow it out (as did some other people).
someone pulled the tablecloth that was a flame off the candle (this did NOT help)
someone started wacking it with . . . i really dont remember, could it have been his hand?
still there were flames,
finally someone poured a bottle of water on it, and it hissed out with a pouf of smoke.
oh, yes, water.
I looked to my left.
and there in my hand was a glass of water.
good one LK, good one.
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