Urban fairies

All over the world, there are various fairies of various sorts. Here in the city we have urban fairies; these are a different sort of breed from the more common fairies we might hear about in childhood lore.
Many of my laptop using readers may have been visited by the Internet fairy. This is a fairy who brings good boys and girls Internet acess without charging a fee. This fairy is most commonly found in highly populated buildings, but can occationally be found in a parked car outside of a public library.
The paper product fairy is not unique to a city, but can be found throughout the world, anywhere two adults living together share a comode. Roughly only half of this population has seen acts of this particular fairy, the other half being stanch disbelievers.*
Some fairies, like the tooth fairy both take something from us, and leave us a treat in return. So goes this friendly fairy. . . you might leave a rusted muffin tin, or one shoe out on the sidewalk, and in the blink of the eye these unwanted items have disappeared. But wait a few days and a treat for you, a new book perhaps, will be just around the corner, all thanks to the Stoop fairy.
While TS is still trying to determine the existance of the late night Soho bar fairy, and disappearing pants, Out in Bay Ridge, we have encountered another urban fairy, the pooh fairy. This sprite leaves little parcels along the landing of the north exit of the train. He has occationally has left gifts in such exotic lands as the stairs from the Q to the LIRR, but most regularly at our subway stop. TS doesnt believe these treats are courtesy of the pooh fairy, he lays the blame on someone more notorioius . . . the shit bandit.
*I have an intermittent paper product fairy known as GK.
You need the paper products fairy to wipe away all remaining reminants of the pooh fairy.
Oh how the status of fairies have fallen. They have gone from the beautiful fairy godmother to the "Pooh Fairy!"
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