looking cool while in school

I am an eye doc. its funny that i only mention that now. Isnt one's profession supposed to define them? Anyway, I am presenting a poster at the Academy meeting next month about a patient I had over a year ago. Of course, I need to get the poster to the printer by tomorrow, umm, scratch that, today . . . why must I procrastinate so?
But the just of it is that I prescribed someone with low vision (cant see well even with the best pair of regular glasses) glasses that allowed her to read the newspaper that were the thickness of the ones on the left, as opposed to the ones on the right. ingenioius? not really. I think I got picked because my title was vaugley interesting (see today's title). Not that "Use of Yoked Prism from Training in Patient with Hemi-Spatial Neglect" or "Diffractive Optics versus Doublet Microscopes for Macular Degeneration Patients" arent good titles. (Actually, these sound kind of interesting, if you are into that kind of thing . . . hello AH, LD, JK the OT & ODs)
I had planned on writing about more exciting things today, but I guess I just have eyeballs on the brain tonight. see well!
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