museum marathon

Sunday I had a date to go see the Darwin exhibit at the Museum of Natural History.
This is what actually happened:
11:00 Got picked up and drove (dont ask) to the museum and searched for parking
12:30 arrive and buy tickets
1:00 Planitarium: not one, but 2 shows: Passport to the Universe* and The Search for Life
2:00 Heilbrunn cosmic pathway**
2:30 Darwin Exhibit***
3:00 Hall of African Mammals and NY State Mammals (an odd combo, if you ask me)
3:30 IMAX of Galapagos Islands - the story of a marine biologist's research while on the island****
4:00 Asian peoples and Asian mammals
4:30 Butterfly exhibit (LOTS of freakin' butterflys, some very ugly)
4:45 Dinosaurs and extinct mammals
5:15 Hall of ocean life, first floor
5:30 Hall of ocean life, second floor and in the corner in the back:

5:45 the museum closed. darn.
When I finally got home I began to reclassify the day. Perhaps this wasnt so much a date, as a field trip. The dude obviously thought I wasnt going to become a NYer without hitting the pavement, or err, linoleium flooring of 79th st.
*actually, pretty fucking cool. Definitly makes anything you care about seem just silly.
** also pretty cool. a great example of hard to fathom sizes from nanometers (10^-9) to tetrameters (10^12)
*** if you ever took an evolution class in college, you know this information already
**** Based on RW and MJ's stories, this is entirely NOT what field research is like
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