Monday, January 08, 2007

a blue theory

In the past few weeks several friends and family have sent TS and I congratulations and happy engagement cards*. What I find interesting is that they almost all prominently display the same shade of light blue. I have several theories to explain this phenomenon.
1. I am a tar-heel alum, card buyers remember this (however subconciously) and their hand goes out to these cards exclusively.
2. Faced with a trend of increasing baby girl birth rates, the card companies needed an outlet for the stockpile of baby blue ink.
3. The cards are exlusively made in this color scheme. This is for the benefit of the groom-to-be, as after popping the question, there is a rush of wedding detail questions that overload all male senses. This glazed eyes and slack jawed syndrome can only be appeased by a rush of male-ness in any form . . . sports, heavy metal, and all correspondance in manly colors.

*You know who you are and Thank you, that is very thoughtful


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