Friday, January 12, 2007

Will I love the netflix prize?

Last night MJ was describing the Netflix prize. The rental megacompany is hosting a contest for the mathematical and computer whiz kidz to come up with a more accurate algorithim to predict which movies its patrons will enjoy. We were discussing all the possible things that go into a person picking one movie or another, and how if an equation could improve the computer's output on this one descision, the effect of this could have overall, of a computer prediction human action.
Intregued I checked out my "movies you'll heart" tab. Actually I had to fill out the few questions, rating various genres, then specific movies. When it came out, I must admit, I was pretty impressed with how 3 of the first 4 movies on the list, not only had I seen and enjoyed, but the diversity of them (Monsoon Wedding, Steel Magnolias and Best in Show). The one movie I hadnt seen, but was the number 1 recommendation was: Breaking Away, a movie about high school kids . . . vintage '79. I added it to my queue, I'll let you know how many stars i'd give . . .


At January 15, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh, Monsoon Wedding is a good movie!

At January 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Breaking away is awesome!! Mike and I have checked that out at the library at least twice. It will restore your faith in bike racing...and 18 y old dennis quaid is DREAMY! :)


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