good day

Yesturday was my day off. This was the first absolutely nothing to do day in quite a while. TS, LD* and I had a picnic lunch down on the pier** by our apt. In preparation of the air show this weekend, we were treated to a mini show, with old-school red robin planes, several hellicopters and a big, sluggishly-moving blimp. I know it doesnt look to huge in the pic, but it was.
*Lisa Dog, not my lovely friend in Maine
** I counted 41 fishing poles being cast during lunch. During the hour or so we were there, one fish was caught, to a loud cheer by the lower end of the pier. judging by the response to the caught fish and the lack of most of the fishers to have coolers/buckets etc, there probably isnt too much being caught. And really, based on the frothy mess at high-tide, isnt this as it should be?
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