Voltron*, defender of the universe

My father has a theory that everything in the universe balences out . . . like you win at Mohegan Sun then need to fork over a hefty sum for an emergency root canal or you win an ipod and your cell phone dies (sound familiar RW?)
So I wonder if it is the balence theory that is in work between my brothers. BK (not the one that lives in BK) has had the worst week ever. Everything from tickets to a burglery of his apt to his car being towed from the library, all during test week at school. God bless him. But my other brother, JK, has seemingly been having some excellent brunches of late** as well getting a job that is in two of his fields of interest (photography and advertising) Much kudos. (JK is also the one that inspired me to begin the blogging . . . although he refers to it as a virus infecting people . . . check his out at northsideflyer )
* Can you believe Voltron is 21 years old?
**NYers brunch like there is no other meal . . . my working weekends has dampened this aspect of my NYer metamorphosis
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