Where the Bacardi at?

I am not sure how many of you out there go to clubs on a regular basis. If you know me, you know I do not.
While in Miami, the fabulous MD used her local hookups to whisk us past the velvet rope and long line at
Mansion. Once inside we had a discussion of the pros and cons of various methods to obtaining drinks (as in anything Queg-related, we must weigh the cost/benefit ratio of the booze). I had only somewhat recently heard of the wonders of bottle service. This is when you buy a bottle of hard liquor at the club and are served it, with a selection of mixers and ice, and you usually get a table and maybe even chairs with this deal. There was even an "article" in the
New York magazine last week about the history of bottle service. (Apparently back in 1941 in Japan, "ewers of sake were served to seated soldiers.") As with any drink in a bar/club, it is more expensive than if you were to buy it at the ABC/liquor store, but we did experience a bit of sticker shook at first. Then the rationalizing came, because if you think about it, if we went to the bar for drinks, at $15 each, then we were totally getting our money's worth. In any case, we bought a bottle of Bacardi, and damn-it, we finished it! (ok, so it was almost 4 hours later, but it was done).
While Mansion was a cool experience (its like a glimpse of being a rock star), I think I have a stellar time with the chicas whether we are at a 4 star club, or in BW's basement. . . I'll take a queg party (over a keg party) anytime!
she's alive!
"Ninety-five percent of all the species that have ever existed are now extinct, so don't look so goddamn smug." - Gerard Ryder

I am finally feeling better, after a several week battle with a virus I named Navin. Thanks to everyone who told me I sounded awful, pathetic or fine except for the hacking cough.
an excerpt

Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld
"Grown men, other people's fathers, were so strange - often I didn't completely understand what it was they did at their jobs during the day, and certainly I didn't understand what occupied their minds. They might tease you or ask you questions, they might even, in elementary school, be your soccer coach, but their attention always felt momentary, before they turned back to the real business at hand. . . Another person's father could grill your hamburger, could pump air into your bike tire, could carry your suitcase out to the car, but what could you possibly do for him?"
a belatedly happy father's day to all other people's fathers out there
I had the opportunity to spend the past few days in the company of good friends in a HOT beach town near Miami. It was a marvelous trip, one I am sure I will write more about later*. But one thing that struck me as peculiar on my way to the airport last week (I took the M60 along 125th St to Laguardia) was just at the edge of the airport land, there is a rather large Tiki Hut. Its so big and square, it almost looks like it used to be a Pizza Hut and then the owner decided there just werent enough places with luah (lu-ow?) atmosphere, so if he thatched the roof and put up some torches the place would be hopping. Has anyone else seen this phenomenon? been there? I'm intrigued.
*sadly, still kinda illin' (throat ache) and not in prime blogging health . . . will write more later . . .
Scene from the next blog: "and then KVH decided it would be stellar if we did waterfalls with are mixed drinks."
the latest stage
As you probably know, there are many different stages of an relationship, as you get to know each other more, sharing more, becoming closer. . . the dinner date start of the relationship, the first kiss, the first introduction as "girlfirend" or "boyfriend. TS and I have hit a few new "points" in the past few months:
There was the marinia point - where we acknowledged it was OK to double dip with each other.
There was the fart point - where one can fart in front of the other person. Unfortunately for TS, hit early on
Now there is the itunes point - where we are in the process of combining parts of our libraries.
In Spite Of Ourselves* was the first song.
*check out the lyrics, are we corny or what?
the walking light man telepathy

The other day, on our trip to the burbs (Tarrytown and Nyack), TS and I managed to never hit a "dont walk" light and then caught every subway train without a wait, on our way to Grand Central terminal, where we breezed in, bought our tickets and skipped down to track 41, boarding the train with seconds to spare. We ended up having a lovely time in small town Metro-North.
But today, as I hit every single "dont walk" light between my apt and work, I am wondering if I have some sort of ability to influence the hand/little man lights, based on my desire to head in that direction. That would be cool . . .like Carrie meeting the dude from the Italian Job.
Then again, maybe TS has all the luck.
smells of summer
the other day, as I was walking to work, I passed a narrow park along Christie Street. There are usually several people meeting, eatting, exercising in this park. And it was here that I smelled a peculiarly familiar smell. . . I couldnt place it at first. It definitly reminded me of summer . . . was it watermelon? yep, I think thats it . . . . wait. It was recently-cut-grass smell. I cant believe my mind couldnt link the smell and object quicker! I mean, I mowed our lawn for a few summers at home, that smell should be ingrained! Its not like I'm not near grass, I walk in the park a couple of times a week. . . . weird. perhaps time for ginko or a trip to the 'burbs.
news difference
The difference between network news and Internet news: Network news reports who
was killed; Internet news reports who
we killed. Have you noticed?
Tuesday night romance

In an effort to be more economical, TS and I are trying to only eat out ~2 times a week. For any non-NYers out there (ie, Koza, AND AH) let me just say, this is harder than it sounds. When we first started cooking for each other, there would be candles or fresh flowers, maybe some background jazz playing. . .
Last night we didnt eat until late (it was a nice night and we went for a walk first), then we were too lazy to make a proper supper and ended up with peanut butter, Ritz crackers and Tang in front of The Royal Tenenbaums. Economical? umm, yes. Romantic? not so much? Did I still have a wonderful time? Absolutely.
Beer for Bags

I discovered last weekend that Crumpler 1. makes great bags/camera cases 2. gives out the cutest matches ever (AND they actually work) 3. has a sense of humor
This week is
Beer for Bags week!
For example, a medium size carrier bag requires the exchange of 1 case of Sharpiro and 1 bottle of soy sauce . . . they wont accept dollar currency. I find this creative and, well, impressive. I wonder if there is a mini party each night for those who worked that day, or a company blow out with an assortment of beers when the promotion ends . . .?
Manhattan Solstice

So this is a little late, but Sunday, May 28th, was Manhattan solsitce. What is this you may ask? Twice a year the sun sets such that it is perfectly inline with the streets in manhattan (the #ed streets). This should cause both sides of the street to be somewhat golden in color at sunset (when you look away from the sun) and the setting sun to be directly centered if you are in the middle of the street. Sadly, it was somewhat cloudy, but here are some photos anyway.
Dancing Divas
This past weekend I had the pleasure of hosting a mini optometry gals reunion. As expected, we lived the steriotypical weekend of gals in the city . . . shoe browsing, knock-off purse hunting, chocolate tasting, dancing though drinks thrown at us in a club, brunch in the shade, you know, normal stuff.
Oh, wait, let me explain that drinks bit. It may come across as lads were buying us so many drinks it was incredible we could still dance . . . ahh, if only that was the case . . . you see, after about an hour of dancing at
Eugene's on 24th st we suddenly found ourselves signficantly splashed with a random drink (all 4 of us ended up with running mascara and that attractive "wet-dog" hairstyle). We paused, glancing around in wonder . . . hmm, someone MUST have majorly dropped their drink . . . incredible that no one else is wet . . . we continued to shake some tail-feathers . . . Fifteen minutes later when AH and I enjoyed another spray we decided it was time to head back to the slope . . . I guess another night out with the gals to remember.