Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Hello all, sorry I havent posted in a while. Basically I work rather ridiculous hours lately, and when I'm not at work, I am working on wedding details. Oh, or going to the beach*. I havent even been reading all that much, but there are a couple of little excerpts I've been saving up to post.

From Freddy and Fredricka (a bit of an epic, with British humour):
"What's your name?"
"Kitten the Tenth."
"Kitten the Tenth?"
"In Romany the word kitten, pronounced, kitten, has a meaning different than it does in English. It means -- and it's impossible to translate directly -- a small, agile, young, fleixible, playful cat."

From Book Doctor (a disappointingly boring book I didnt finish, but I love this sentense)
"Sometimes she worried that she looked a little too much like a Jewish woman from Westchester who'd once had an affair with a Quiche Indian and never forgot those wild three days, the kind of wide-hipped woman who discusses estrogen and only wears silver bangles."

From This is My Daughter (a book I picked up in the BK Heights secondhand shop for a dollar. I just started but its set in the UES in the 80s)
" It was late in the year for tourists. Emma wondered what they hoped to see in February; here in quaint Greenwich Village the sidewalks were narrow and crowded, the streets full of trash, the traffic homicidal. Homeless people trudged past, pushing shopping carts, muttering. Maybe the tourists came here just to feel relieved that they lived somewhere more sensible."

*Tony and I hit Coney for the first time this year, even going in the water and hitting the Cyclone. That coaster is f&$*in' awesome. Go there. Ride that.


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