Min-E-ah-chore Odessa

Ever since stumbling across
Everything is Illuminated on our random month of movie channels, TS and I have been a little bit obsessed with the Ukraine. From toasting with "Na zdorovia" to looking into Honeymooning along the shores of the Black Sea, we finally checked out
Little Odessa in Brightton Beach. I must say, I liked what I saw . . . or more specifically, what I ate.
We happened upon Katiana's on the board walk, getting a table out in the sun. Finding a menu in English, we had several questions for the waitress. We ended up ordering the required Ukrainian Borscht, Kvas (a type of yeast soda), Palmini (kind of like Russian tortellini), and Po'Flatcas (sp? like a macaroni with onions and ground beef). I must say all was pretty darn delic, especially the Borscht!
Also, I just finished reading both the World to Come and A History of Tractors in Ukranian . . .
you've heard of Wikipedia, but . . .

have you heard of
Craftopedia? Its true! The enchanting
Craftster website ha a spin-off of various how-to-dos. To be honest, I'm not sure how easy to understand some of the knitting instructions are, but its another place for crafty inspiration!
*yes, that is a knit turkey purse and drumstick changepurse. no, I cant find the pattern to make it.
parallel walking
Everyday I walk down the steps to the N/Q line at Canal st, there are hordes of people along the wall, waiting for the next train. As I walk cautiously close to the yellow line/ledge, I slow behind people with bags, or the elderly, only to pass quickly, dodging the oncoming line of people walking from the R up to the ground. Finding a place to wait can be difficult because the wall space is usually full, and if I was to stand in front of someone near the wall, I would block the narrow path I was just walking. Inevidibly someoned does just this, "double parking" themselves, causing an abrupt jam of motion and a possible collide as someone tries to walk around. Last night as I cruised along searching for a spot, a young girl huddled closer to her friend, creating an area for me to stand. Beeping, under my breath, I backed up to fill the spot.

Yesturday TS and I joined the MET. I am so excited. I mean this MUST be something a true NYer does, yes?
Actually, we partially joined so we wont feel so daunted by the treck to 82nd st and will go more often.
While I was hoping to see the couture collection, that of course had just closed, we ended up wandering through the modern art section, drawn in by the craft movement exhibit. One of the many Picassos on display is this painting of Gertrude Stein. While wandering through we learned there was a class to start soon, called discovering art, or seeing the big picture, or something like that. Interested, we joined the group.
Our fearless leader, an artist herself as she let us know right away, brought us first to this painting. She discribed, in detail, the orientation of the painting (the group is for people who may not be able to pick up all the specifics of various art peices). One thing she pointed out that I did not pick up on my own, is the orientation of Stein's hands on her lower body and the sense of roundness of her back . . . as if she was about to get up. The other thing our instructor mentioned was that during this time Picasso was studying African face masks. When you know that, and look back at her face, one can see the influence of the mask on her "flat" features.
All and all, I hope we go to the next one in April, about Gaudi and Dali in Barcelona . . . its definitly a more thorough approach to gallery gazing . . . although hopefully we will get a more swiftly moving groups.
fish tank
Since the computer at work is right next to the window display, I often see people on the street looking at various frames/sunglasses in the display. This has ceased to be weird to me, but I must admit, when people poke the glass when pointing to a friend, it always reminds me of being a fish at the aquarium . . . we need a little sign outside to warn people of touching the glass.
Pirate Queen
This St. Patrick's day TS and I headed uptown to the theater district to see the new musical
The Pirate Queen. This is a collaberation between the guy behind Riverdance and the guy behind Les Miserables. The sum of this equation is a reflection of the parts . . . rather equal amount of somewhat cheesy song and posing and then a drum beat and dancing in unison. However, I did quite enjoy it!
After a rather quick ride home, we stopped in at our corner Irish pub, the Three Jolly Pigeons to drink a pint (or whiskey sour in my case) and listen to a visiting Irish band (which plesently mixed what I presume to be their own tunes with U2's).
rump shaker

In England its called a hen night. In Canada, a stagette. Here we call it a bachlorette party.
What I think I enjoy most about this tradition is the ridiculous attire that a normally conservative dresser will don in the name of "tradition."
of course, that tradition is only a decade or so old, but hey!
Really, if you cant wear a tiara, beadazelled tank and belly dancing wrap out to shake it with the gals, I supose, where could one wear it?
Cold outside, warm in the belly

Last night, while little ice pellets (NOT snow) fell continuously yesturday, creating a little wall of ice in our very own windows (on the second floor!) we dinned in the carribean.
Well, obviously not in the ACTUAL carribean, but in the figureative sense.
Inspired by CL, I made
Cuban Black Bean Patties with Pineapple Rice and flan*.
It doesnt look so great in the pics, but a rather tasty din-din all and all.
*OK, it was a work night, so the flan was from a box :)
happy st patrick's day!

Erin go Braugh!
army terminal to wall street to a spicy cab

This Wednesday was gorgeous up here. Unfortunately it was uber busy at work (seeing about 20 patients!). But TS provided an excellend adventure after work to unwind.
We have meaning to ride the ferry here in Bay Ridge for quite some time, and Wed was to be the day.
The ferry leaves the Brooklyn Army Terminal on 58th St and rides up the bay, along Red Hook to Pier 11 at Wall Street, just south of the South Street Seaport.
Granted, by the time we were aboard, the weather was changing to a rather murky greengray (this is not our photo of the view), but because of a reverse commute/ride, we had the ENTIRE boat to ourselves! We stayed up in the bow for most of the time, although the inside has 8 person booths available (which seems odd for a commuter boat, but whatever).
Once docked, and regaining our land legs, we headed north for our first outside dinning experience of the year. Where was to be the destination? well, we felt a little touristy (especially walking around Stone St in a fleece jacket . . . this area seems exclusively designer suit wear) so we decided on
Caliente Cab* where some delicious mole and margaritas was had.
All and all a lovely first evening of spring.
To bad its f'in snowing right now.
*I just googled Caliente to get the link, but I spelled it wrong, as Calente, and the first site up, was
my very own website! yeah LK, you can really spell well.
sometimes cards just get right

(from LD)
Wine-y cake and water-y tables

So I've been meaning to post this forever . . . well, since the wine and cheese at JP's. Inspired by AP's beer cupcakes, and the wine and cheese theme, I baked up some
Burgundy Cupcakes. While not totally incredible, they had an interesting taste . . . the cinnamon seemed to overwhelm the wine flavor, but everyone who had one seemed to like them.
But the cupcakes were not the only "hot" item at the party . . . there was a fire. no, not a fireplace kind of fire, a fire, that one smells something burning . . . not unlike toast . . . "is someone making toast?" then a glance at the coffee table, a flame . . . not like the candle flame that was there before, but a bigger flame, like the size of a deck of cards
. . and I said "umm, fire."
nothing happened. it was still there. everyone's attention was on Nicole Kidman's ridiculous dress.
a glance from another party goer.
"ohh, really, fire!"
I stepped closer, trying to blow it out (as did some other people).
someone pulled the tablecloth that was a flame off the candle (this did NOT help)
someone started wacking it with . . . i really dont remember, could it have been his hand?
still there were flames,
finally someone poured a bottle of water on it, and it hissed out with a pouf of smoke.
oh, yes, water.
I looked to my left.
and there in my hand was a glass of water.
good one LK, good one.