We're back!
Niagara Falls were a hit!
Last night during some intermittant Last Comic Standing viewing I saw an ad for
Age of Love a new reality show which pits the "cougars"* against the "kittens"**. I have a bizarre but strong desire to watch this show, but I feel like it needs to be in a group environment for all "catty" remarks to be repeated and ridiculed, all while enjoying margaritas and nachos . . . any takers?
beach day

I am sitting here, listening to some low key guitar, with a gin and tonic (extra lime) sweating on a coaster besides me, my face prickly hot, my hair a bit stiff, as I reflect on a lovely day with TS.
We headed down to Jones Beach today*, for day of sun and sand. I wont say everything was easy when we were down there, or that everything was open that we were hoping, but I, for one, had a splendid day. Its so nice to be able to go away for a day, or even half a day.**
*had the buses from Freeport to the state park actually been running, would have been in incredibly easy and inexpensive trip
** we ended up getting back to Bay ridge around 5:30, enough time for GandTs before watching the sunset down on the pier.
only in nyc?

The other night, when many of my friends were down on the jersey shore or at neighborhood barbeques, I was getting off work, picking up some wonton wraps at the corner Chinatown market and some parmesan cheese two blocks away in Little Italy. While I couldnt join everyone else in their memorial weekend fun, I could, at the very least, take my hand at a new recipe, one that included making my own ravioli.* I'm not sure if anyone has tried this, but the recipe made it sound easy, just saute some minced mushrooms and shallots, then plop a bit on the pasta wrap, fold and crimp closed and boil for 2 min. The first three steps were easy. Its the crimping bit that didnt work. No matter how much force, or water, or cornstarch TS and I smooshed, the ends refused to merge into one piece.
Just as I was about to get frustrated, I heard an odd beat break into the Avril Lavigne (sp?) on the radio, turning it down, we were treated to a live (and loud) Mariachi band across the street. We believe there was a wedding (although no bride or groom was seen)** The band proceeded to play for about half an hour, long enough for us to finish making and eat dinner. This treat to the ears definitly made the dinner, the pasta tasted like mushroom glue.
*the picture is of mushroom ravioli, which is what I made, with a parm-chive white sauce, but trust me, my end product looked NOTHING like above.
** although in retrospect, perhaps a confirmation?
my first iced coffee of the season

I dont remember my first iced coffee*. It may have been in college when I worked at the coffee roastry. I know I didnt quite enjoy them right away . . . I think its been in the last 2-3 years that I have decided I do indeed love it.
I recently had my first iced coffee of the season. I got it at the Greek dinner at Grand and La Fayette. I love this little dinner, the lady behind the counter always calls me "sweetheart." This delic version of the dish comes in an un-assuming coca-cola waxedpaper cup and costs about $1.50**.
The very next day while walking from my future work place to my current work cite I stopped by
Local I bought my second iced coffee of the season. This place is great, and although it was almost twice as expensive, I could feel trendy with my agave sryup sweetner.
Later I somehow convinced TS to try iced coffee. Hee-hee, the look on his face with the first sip was one of bitter disgust.
Since then I've been enjoying this treat at home, with day-old coffee*** and I may even take it a step further to make my own coffee-cubes - watchout, this will be one caffinated gal!
*I do remember the first time I had hot coffee . . . it was at my great-grandma, Mimaw's house for Thanksgiving, and it was out of a small silver cup . . . I think I was 8 years old
**the price seems to vary a bit, depending on who rings me up
*** ok, sometimes several-day old coffee