crunchy ettiquette
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but its hot*. And when its hot, people sweat and get stinky. It is for this exact prevention that God created deoderant **. I know that there are some people more at one with nature than I, who do not wear deoderant. This is fine. I hold my peace about stinky subway riders, or whiffs along LaFayette. But if you are in a crowded club, remember the proper viewing stance to least offend neighboring music listeners.
Correct: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Incorrect:

*sorry CR, I know you hate it to be stated.
**God, Michium, someone
give back, give pack

Has anyone seen these ads on buses/phone booths? Is it just me or do Paige Davis and Kevin Bacon have the same haircut?
I vant to suck your blood

Last night we went to hear Phillip Glass and the Brooklyn orchestra perform music to the film Dracula. I say "hear" because we didnt get a seat infront of the screen, but rather, opted for some tables on the side where we munched on a lovely picnic, after some very tasty
Faujitos. The opening band, a slavic rock jazz band (?) had some interesting music, not something you would play for a dinner party, but kinda cool for outdoors.
Sadly after only about 20 minutes there was some MAJOR lightening going on. At first I wasnt sure if it was heat lightening and just the movie, because at that moment there was thunder in the soundtrack of the movie. But then a very bright flash, with acompaning crack and TS and I ended up making a dash for home, runing for only the last block in the rain.
the end of the world (as I know it)

Last night I went to the end of the world, and it turns out, beer is very cheap there.
TS met me in Sunset Park and we cruised along 5th Ave down to Bay Ridge, where we stumbled upon exotic parts of Brooklyn that contain such wonders as the lawn art, and patio furniture. After a burger-rific dinner in one of the many Irish pubs in the area, we strolled along Shore Road, discovering that Brooklyn extends past 100 st, all the way to 102nd, before abruptly dropping off into water. Walking to the train station, we remarked how the evening had cooled down with the breeze off the bay* . . . later, as we sweat and panted while waiting for the F at 4th and 9th, we reminised how unexpectanly deliteful the end of the world really was.
***unknowningly TS and I wrote about the same thing, read
his too and see if you can figure out who is the pro :)
*officially, the Lower New York Bay, hmm, how creative

(think of the wicked witch of the west theme song for title)
I (finally) got all the parts and put my bike together (with a little help from TS*). This morning I went for a ride around the park, and it was awesome! I love riding, I feel like a little kid.
*ok, a LOT of help
an inconvienent truth vs a convienent cool?
OK, so I try my part to help the Earth . . . recycle, bring backpacks to the grocery, reuse water bottles, etc. However, when I get home from work I turn on my AC. and I love it.
I just found out that "By themselves, ACs in the US use more energy than is consumed by the nations of India and Indonesia combined (
Ideal Bite)." Wow.
Spooks to Spears?

I just ran across an
article about Britney Spears written by non other than the very scary Maine-r, Stephen King. I find this odd for a number of reasons. 1, I didnt even know Mr. King wrote articles for entertainment weekly. 2, I wasnt aware Harper's Bazarre was big with folks up in Maine. 3, after insinuating that Brit is past her prime with no "market" value, he goes on to make me as uncomfortable as Bob Dole did in those Pepsi commercials years ago.
The big trip up north

So I did it! I (finally) made it Queens*. Last night TS and I checked out
the Bohemian Hall and Beer Garden in Astoria. I must say this is a very chill spot and would love to head back with a group of drinkers (all Bostonians think of the magic of Harpoon festivals without the expense and line!).
Earlier that day we meandered around the UWS, checking out the ever-underconstruction St. John's Cathedral (very big, lots to still be done) and riverside park. We had such a good time that I am hoping to get back soon to further explore shops and all the wonderfully smelling dining options.**
*at least a part of Queens that wasnt Laguardia
** before moving to NYC I had composed a list of various cultural/dinning/shopping places that I wanted to check out. Sadly, one place that I finally got to yesturday was no longer the uber bath shop that daily washed it's sidewalk with scented oils, but rather a lighting/ceiling fan dealer. :(
real tricks to the trade
As some of you may know, one of my roomies is a professional hair and makeup artist. In her
latest portfolio she has pictures of models who are learning "tricks" of the make up trade.
Despite what the article says, apparently the real way to get rid of dark undereye circles is not applying concealer with a makeup brush, but to have your full makeup done by pro, then pose with artistic dots of concealer!
Best places to live?

I just noticed on yahoo the top ten best places to live in the country,
(check it out) , and low and behold, what is number 4? none other than my home town, Columbia, MD! Wow. And just yesturday it seemed like every other suburb. But, I am still living in a top ten city*. NY, NY was named number 10 in the
big city list. However, I must question the actuality of how they figured this, seeing as they list NY's median home prices as $375,000, and this will buy you a
studio on the upper east side or a
one bedroom in Bayridge , but not a "family" home in most of the 5 boroughs.
*and apparently, was living in another top ten, Brookline, MA is #3 most educated city in the country!**
**other past residences on lists: Santa Cruz is #10 on cleanest air list. Boston is #8 on top singles cities . . .yes, this does explain a lot . . . although G-vegas is number 18 on this list, and was no hinderence to BK
bridal surprise!
This weekend I was back in MD to co-throw a suprise bridal shower for my cousin, and against all odds, we did in fact surprise her!*
We played the famed toilet paper wedding gown game which everyone seemed to enjoy, and the spice identification which no one seemed to enjoy, but since everyone loved the food/cake, I will declare it a success.

I had my own surprise this weekend as well. RW and KVH were in town to check out dresses and locations for RW's wedding next spring. I realized that either I lack some sort of girlie inert interest in wedding details, or just a lack of interest in buffet menus (I was all attention for the dresses and location, but comparing different aspects of food stations found me straining to not roll my eyes, RW said I recovered well by saying I wanted to be surprised, so I'll stick to that)
*people leaving her presence to take wispered phone calls, her questioning the maid of honor about a shower/something fishy, a mass of cars in front of her mom's house coming back from an errand with the groom . . .
Designer Dad
Last Saturday GK was in town and stopped into my place of buisness to get an eye exam and new glasses*. Well the spirit of Soho must have infused in Dad's soul, because one of the pairs he got are
designer sunglasses**, in fact,
Emporio Armani frames!

I dont know if I can handle his recent rise in coolness status. First the motorcycle, now designer wears, whats next? summering abroad? Oh wait, yep, he's doing that too. . . maybe this is a sign of a late-release coolness gene? Perhaps in 30 years I will be a couture gal for a year?
*gasp! yes folks, over 8 years with the old ones and finally time for a new pair
**and safe for motorcycle wear
Happy Day!

Happy *National Slurpee Day!Does anyone know where to find a 7-11 in this town?
wedding reunion

Last Saturday two friends of the family married each other (and this is the best pic I've got, sorry) . And I had a date!* Somehow this is the first full wedding I've been to accompanied with a guest. Let me just say, weddings are a lot more fun if you have someone to dance with!
Apparently the seating plan was lost, so it was open seating and TS and I found ourselves with a table of Salisbury State (not steak) alumni, a judge, and the judge's fiesty date who brought conversation to our otherwise quiet table.
After the dinner and dancing the K clan posed for a lovely pic:

*and my brothers had dates! the whole generation of Ks managed to find someone they could drag 4 hours away for a weekend with strangers (and for AP, on her birthday!), if thats not love, what is?
Cyclones and corn dogs

Last week I experienced my first Brooklyn Cyclone's game against non other than the Aberdeen IronBirds (the cyclones are a field team of the Mets, and Iron Birds are of the Orioles). Sadly, there was a rain delay, it rained in the middle of the game, and Brooklyn didnt score any runs (at least by the 7th inning strech). I must say, I had a lot of fun. The seats were great, between 3rd and home, 8th row and whats more, they were my first "perk", one of my bosses gave me the tickets!
The additional amazing item, was the gentle waft of Nathan's hotdogs (home of the recent 4th of July hot dog eatting contest), turned TS's 6 year vegetarianism into a paradigm of carnivorism! I still cant believe he fell to hot dogs, but he's back on the dark side with me :)
Happy 4th!

Happy Independance Day USA!
I feel like I represented America in yesturday's activities . . . sleeping in, eatting donuts, listening to folkish music, and beer, burgers and rooftop adventures.
TS, LA and I met up at Battery park to listen to Miss Wainwright and (after a minor rain delay) Belle and Sebastian. I hadnt really heard much of either before, but liked it, both very mellow. I believe it was

VKT who apptly described Belle and S. as "soundtrack" music.
Later we headed to C's fancy pad in LES for a bit of a mobbed courtyard grill out then on to the 8th floor roof where UNC alumni and hippies mixed it up for a Phish accompanied fireworks display. They were beautiful*, and well timed, and bigger in the sky than when viewed from LA's Brooklyn roof, but I still didnt feel the "booms" in my chest . . . I think I may have to head down to the FDR next year to find a place to get the full fireworks display.
*and of course everyone loved the return of the smiley faces!
Superman strength
This afternoon, in part to be entertained, in part to stay cool, TS and I went to see Superman Returns. After reading several bad reviews, I was pleasantly surprised by the story, acting and special effects*. The ora of the movie must have connected with my boyfriend, for suddenly he tugged up the arm-rest between us. A romantic move, one might suppose, except that my drink had been in the cupholder of said arm rest and whipped up, splashing behind us. Luckily, the ice water had no kryptonite-like effects on the gentleman seated there.
*especially compared to the Superman of old effects as seen briefly on PAX tv tonight** . . . where he stoops the tractor so the boy doesnt get hurt
**hey, its one of 5 channels on antenae tv.