brooklyn gal for a while
Friday, May 25, 2007
good day

Yesturday was my day off. This was the first absolutely nothing to do day in quite a while. TS, LD* and I had a picnic lunch down on the pier** by our apt. In preparation of the air show this weekend, we were treated to a mini show, with old-school red robin planes, several hellicopters and a big, sluggishly-moving blimp. I know it doesnt look to huge in the pic, but it was.
*Lisa Dog, not my lovely friend in Maine
** I counted 41 fishing poles being cast during lunch. During the hour or so we were there, one fish was caught, to a loud cheer by the lower end of the pier. judging by the response to the caught fish and the lack of most of the fishers to have coolers/buckets etc, there probably isnt too much being caught. And really, based on the frothy mess at high-tide, isnt this as it should be?
RW becomes RJ (MJ stays MJ, but gains wife)

This bride went beyond the call of duty, making her own lemon buttercream with raspberry wedding cake!
Not to pat my own back, but you might notice how evenly flat the layers are . . . my job on the day of cake creation was to saw off the 10 cakes so that when arranged, were short cylinders.
* what can I say, weddings make me cheesy
Monday, May 14, 2007
Rock, Paper, you've got to be kidding me
When I go to optometry conventions, I will admit feeling a wee bit dorky. After reading this, I no longer feel charined about embracing my inner four eyes.a little thing called culture

In the past couple of weeks, after noticing that my weekly culture qoitient was being fullfilled by Little People, Big World, I decided to be a little more proactive. Actually thats not true, SD and LA invited me out for fun stuff and I said "OK"*. Last weekend SD and I went to The Rubin Museum, which had a free Friday evening admission! I must admit, when I looked into the museum, I was surprised to find SD had chosen a Himilayian art museum, but when we walked into the low-lit, groovey lounge at the entrance to the museum, I saw that this was a museum I could grow to love, one where you could see the art with a lychee mojito in hand! Its a really impressive space, combining many different mediums of art collectively. I definitly recommend this as a Friday night outting!**
Then this Thursday LA and I teamed up to hit another UNC alumn evening*** going to see some chapel thrill bands that were at the Mercury Lounge. Long story short, we had a lovely dinner, followed by approximately 30 minutes being pounded by soundwaves of music three shades harder than our usual tunes, searching the "crowd" for any sign of tar heels. On the upside, we heard some great tunes at Oliva on the way to the train.

This Friday, was the ultimate in "culture". SD and I went toRomeo and Juliet! I dont think I had seen a ballet performance in 8 years (barring BK in Nutcracker about 5 years ago). I bought along one of TS's telescopes and was surprised by the amount of expression on the dancers' faces. The group dancing was impressive, as was Sterling Hyltin's twirling/twisting/leg thing (I honestly could not tell which was a left or right leg). However, I dont think ballet is for me; my mind kept going off track, wondering how old the dancers were, what their feet looked like, and how I needed to loose weight . . . probably not fair to poor Juliet and her Romeo.
In an effort to continue my cultural awareness, TS and I will be visiting an exotic land in about a month; I will be sure to keep you posted about our adventures in Detroit!
*like my grandma and dad before me
** I do not however recommend following this serene and slightly buzzed evning with dinner at Cafeteria, while I believe it was mentioned in Sex and the City, thrilling the newbie NYer in me, it was RE-diculously loud, and dark. Yes, I am 29 going on 63, I live it and love it.
*** last year the alumni harbor cruise drinks and apps evening turned out to be $6 bottles of Bud on a water taxi. boo.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Saturday, May 05, 2007
a perfect example of . . .
If you ask someone to give you an example of irony, he/she might find it difficult*. If you ask someone to give you an example of schadenfreude, he or she might just point to the headline of many of today's newspapers, like the the Post. I know this news made me smile a little wider.*unless of course she is Alanis Morrisette and confuse irony with murphey's law.
Friday, May 04, 2007
home for a day

Yesturday I was down in my home state, MD for almost 24 hours. I had a list of things to do while I was there, approximately 15 things. I supose its no surprise that roughly 4 got marked off. One of them was scanning in some old photos that are kept in what we lovingly call the photo-basket (albums? scrapbooks? those are not for the K fam).
I especially love this one; it is on Easter when I am 2 years old, just before any crying brothers came along. My mom's face is lost in the shade, but boy, do I look cute or what?