happy new year
start the new year off on the right foot . . . with a late rent check!
No mail for 3 days in a row, what a way to remember a late president.
Colbert has some pull
Did anyone else see Stephen Colbert's final show of the year Wednesday night? It was a bit hyped . . . a guitar rock-off between the lead guitarist of the
The Decemberists, Funk, and himself. Or, as it came to be,
Peter Frampton, playing as Colbert.
I was amazed. ok, not so amazed by the actual performances . . not really my kinda music*. But amazed by who all was judging the contest. Whenever I've seen the Colbert report, and watched pass "the word" segment, it always seems to be authors of historical politics that he has as guests. Not Wednesday night. The judges for the guitar-off were Rolling Stone's critic Anthony DeCurtis, NYU music professor Jim Anderson, and our soon-to-be govener Eliot Spitzer. The announcer was
Morley Safer, and the moderator/final judge was non other than Henry Kissinger! Each time someone was announced, my eyes widened in awe. Ok, so the NYU prof and even the rolling stones critic were kind of the level of celebrity judge I expected, but Henry Kissinger!?! how on earth did the Colbert crew get him to say "crank it up" via satelite?
*although TS, a guitarist, said one of them was impressive

Shortly after we moved in to the new place, we opened all the windows one day to air it out a bit. Not 2 shakes of a lamb's tail later, a fly flew in. At first this was very irritaiting. But after the second day of seeing a black spot zoom by, I decided instead of trying to kill this thing, I would name it, and it would be our pet. Connie has been with us for 2 weeks today. I see her every morning, I have coffee, she sits on the curtain, we read the Times together. When I come home from work, she's waiting for me, hanging on the closet door.
When I mentioned Connie to a friend, she said flies only live 3 days, and that we must have an infestation problem, and that its connie's grandkids I'm seeing now. But I think this must be the Drosophilan fruit flies from science camp that she is thinking about. That said, it does seem odd that Connie hasnt left us yet. I keep thinking today will be the day I sweep up her remains, taking her, along with a few walnut pieces and dirt, to the incinerator.
adapting . . .
the other night TS and walked through the new neighborhood looking at Christmas lights* when something ran across the sidewalk . . . is that? no, this is the city . . . yep, thats a racoon!
After a lovely evening in the city, including viewing the latest Christopher Guest flick, we arrived at the door of our apt, realizing the 3-train ride home from Chelsea took longer than the movie.**
The past week the radiator has been banging uncontrollabley*** throughout the day, into the night and again at 5:58 am. This morning, miraculously, I was awoken by the alarm clock, not the radiator, only at 8am to be startled by a car honk (TS said this was a type of alarm, but it sounded like someone was just laying on the horn to me) that continued as I left for work.
We have Cable! We have Internet****! now if we could only get the router to work, we will be able to go online WHILE watching the Daily Show . . . that will be simply awesome.
*and a blue light covered shrub . . . is this the famed Hanukkah bush?
**In my defense, I wouldnt have spent $11 on
the movie had I known it was only 80 minutes long.
*** well, if we tighten one knob the noise dulls, but then it leaks a steady stream of orange-tinged water
****of course,
my computer is still fighting a useable ISP address, but pics of the new place will be posted when I'm up and running
an NYC moment
I rolled my eyes at the kahki-clad woman blocking the sidewalk while taking disposible-camera photos of Mexx's purple and silver themed window display. Laughing to myself as I walked passed a discarded hairpiece half in a puddle on Broadway, thinking that more of NY pic. Then I heard a familiar voice talking on her cell phone, looking up, I passed Claire Danes. Quickly my attention was drawn to the beat up Ford blasting
Phenomenon. I closed my eyes and smiled.
I love this town.
Yesturday TS and I moved to south brooklyn. yes, its like living in the burbs. But I love the place!
After loading up TS Wed night, finishing my packing Wed late night, driving the UHaul to my place at 7am and then loading up more of my crap, TS, special guest TM and I headed south on 4th Ave to then unload the truck, and then another couple of loads of stuff Dad drove up as well. A HUGE thanks to both TM and Dad for all their lifting, loading, stacking etc. I dont know about you guys, but I am rather sore today.
World Aids Day
December 1st is Worlds Aids Day and Bristol-Myers Squibb is donating $1 to the National Aids Fund for every person who lights a candle at
Light to Unite. Just click the match to the candle and your good deed for the day is done.